Is it true that yoga will awaken deeper energy, which is called kundalini? Jiddu Krisnamurti
Brockwood Park 1979 - Question #2 from Question and Answer Meeting #1 LOVE ssc
How To Give Yourself a Therapeutic Arm and Hand Massage
Therapeutic self-massage technique for healthy hands and arms. Yoga Master Glenn Black shows us how to restore and bring mobility and...
Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya - The father of modern yoga
"Breath is central to Yoga because it is central to life… and Yoga is about Life" – T Krishnamacharya Tirumalai Krishnamacharya – yogi,...
Gyrotonics Is a Workout That Helps Restore Mobility in the Spine
A Gyrotonics machine has straps and pulleys to help the joints move through their natural range of motion. Carl Lewis uses a Gyrotonics...